Healthy Foods: Crockpot Troubleshooting

So how do you determine whether or not your crockpot is going to work for that wonderful recipe you clipped out of the newspaper last week? Let’s say there is a Dutch oven recipe you found that you’d love to convert for your crockpot. How do you do it? Some general information will help. Generally, […]

Hurray for Crock Cookers!

One of my pet peeves is hearing people say, “I don’t have time to make dinner.” I took a survey once and to my astonishment found out that a lot of people fend for themselves for dinner on days they’re not going through the drive-thru. There is no set time to sit down and eat […]

Healthy Foods: 3 Ways to Start a New Habit

Dear Friends, One of the pitfalls in trying to get a new habit going (like making dinner, for example) is not being clear on the goal. It’s one thing to say you’re going to make dinner every night instead of eating via the drive-thru, but it’s another thing entirely to quantify your goal. Here are […]

Healthy Foods: Water, Water Everywhere

I need at least one time a year when I can pontificate about the benefits of water for your health. I mentioned it last week, but this week I’m going to give it to you with both hoses–you really need this stuff! It may be the best weight loss tool you have in your arsenal. […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Oranges –
Juice Up on Your Vitamin C

Oranges are inexpensive and delicious! Besides enjoying them as a snack, I love to use orange sections in salads or with Asian-inspired dishes. Oranges are bursting at the seams with vitamin C, flavonoids, fiber, potassium, and pectin. Here’s a TIP: The concentration of vitamin C is in the pulp, people! Make sure you eat the […]

Healthy Foods: Leave the Jelly Belly to Santa

“He had a broad face and round little belly, that shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly!” Now I don’t know about you, but I know that’s Santa when I read those familiar lines of verse from ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Now Santa may have had a belly, it’s just plain […]

Healthy Foods: Soup Is Good Food

If you’ve made your list and checked it twice, you’re ahead of the holiday game. But even with lists and plans, there’s still a lot to do and we get stressed out which only contributes to that downward spiral. Add to that eating poorly and you’re going to be struggling big time to keep your […]

Healthy Foods: Weight Loss During the Holidays

Weight loss during the holidays? Really? How do I love the holidays? Let me count the ways. First, there is the decorating… tinsel, ribbons, wreaths, and beautiful ornaments. Then there is the crackling fireplace, festooned in evergreens with traditional stockings “hung with care”. And my favorite part? The cooking, of course! Christmas cookies and candies, […]

Healthy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love

Healthy Foods Healthy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love by Leanne Ely, CNC Trick or treat? Candy may be the norm when the kids come to your door on Halloween, but it’s definitely a trick. Candy’s trick will demote your health and your energy and keep you wanting more and more. It’s the sugar, it’s addicting […]