Grab Some Beauty In A Bottle
Grab some beauty in a bottle. BeautySupport (if you don’t already know) is one of my favorite, all-time great supplements, and is clinically proven to advance your body’s own ability to create collagen! This is crucial–without the collagen you’re toast and you look like it too! Your skin is dry, thin, and definitely not plump […]
What’s the Skinny on CLA?
What’s the Skinny on CLA? Is CLA a weight loss miracle pill? Theories and postulations abound–fortunately, there’s some research too. One theory says that it modulates fat metabolism, which helps your body use food for energy. Another thought is that it causes fat and weight loss because it boosts the body’s metabolism by increasing your […]
Dinner Diva: Easing into a cleaner lifestyle
During the holidays, it’s perfectly fine to savor one of your favorite desserts or to have an extra glass of egg nog or two, but you shouldn’t use the whole season as an excuse to overindulge. Tens of thousands of Americans will resolve to lose weight and to get healthier in 2020. I have weight […]
The Secret of Soup
One of my favorite winter foods is soup; especially healthy homemade soup. Nothing quite compares to a big bowl of steaming soup to warm you up, feed you when you’re not feeling well, or simply act as comfort food. Soup is good food like the commercial says. The only problem with canned soups is they […]
Beat Winter Dehydration
Is it just me or is it easier to remember to drink your water in the summer? Just because the temperatures have dropped, doesn’t mean your water intake can take a dip, too. Our hydration needs don’t change much in the winter months–our body functions still need water to make it function optimally. In warm […]
5 Simple Thanksgiving Rescues
When it comes to one of the biggest meals of the year, do you have one dish that you always seem to mess up? The dressing too dry or the gravy too lumpy? You know what I’m talking about! Today, I’m going to save you from making some of the most common Thanksgiving dinner flubs […]
Weight Loss Plans Succeed With Community Support
Dieting is easy. Well, let’s reword that; dieting is simple–just follow a plan. And therein lies the challenge–the following part. Because to be successful, as in success that lasts, that’s harder. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approximately one-third of U.S. adults are obese and obesity can raise the risk of many […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Ravishing Radishes
Not many people think of radishes as something more than a salad garnish – you know, pretty, but not something you necessarily want to eat. But radishes are actually great for snacks and including in meals! They’re spicy and sweet, rich in potassium, ascorbic and folic acid, vitamin B6, and calcium. A whole cup is […]
Dinner Diva: Plan Ahead Tips For Fast Dinners
“I need more hours in the day!” Have you ever found yourself speaking words like that? Rundown of the Day This fall season brings another cycle of activities and demands on our time. Whether we are dealing with children and school activities, work responsibilities, or just fewer daylight hours that seem to make the days […]