Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Health Benefits of Purple Potatoes!

I love purple potatoes. So does my daughter. I remember the first time I made them for her when she was still little–she was delighted! Young children have some of the best reactions to some of the more odd vegetables, though I know a lot of adults that react the same way. If you’ve never […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Green about frisee?

Such a pretty addition to a gourmet salad, lovely, lacy frisee lettuce is more than just a pretty face! Frisee (pronounced free-zay) is rich in fiber, vitamins A, B, C, and E. Ever wonder why there are so few of those frizzy leaves of pale green that you see in salad mixes? Well, it’s because […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Sprouts!

I’m sure you’ve seen the ubiquitous bean sprout in your grocery store since you were a child. And maybe some alfalfa sprouts. But there’s more to sprouts than what is in your grocery store. There’s radish sprouts, clover sprouts, broccoli sprouts—just to name a few. These wonderful sprouts are all full phytochemicals, massive nutrients and […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Beets! Don’t Pass Them Up!

There’s nothing like a gorgeous purple beet sliced onto a salad, roasted in the oven, or juiced with some greens and other veggies to make a beautifully colored glass of deliciousness. What’s this you say? You don’t love beets? Well, maybe you’re just not doing it right! Beets are in season now and they are […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: All About Allspice!

Contrary to popular belief, allspice is not actually a blend of different spices. Allspice is actually a berry that comes from the “Pimenta dioica” tree, native to Jamaica and other areas of the West Indies as well as Southern and Central America. You can find allspice in the dried berry form, or as a ground […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Tea or smoothies? (special herb for both)

Fresh mint is a common sight in the summertime and today you’re going to get a tip, a trick, and a recipe featuring this pretty little leaf! I have mint growing in my garden and let me tell you when you plant mint, you have mint for life! Really. Mint can take over so you […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Quinoa
– Gluten-free “grain” or is it a seed?

Quinoa is a seed that’s been around forever, though with the popularity it’s gained in recent years, you’d think it was a new invention. Quinoa has an amazing nutritional profile. This seed is gluten free, high in protein and rich in health-supportive fats. Quinoa is full of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. It can lower your […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Keen on vanilla bean!

How often do you twist open the cover on a bottle of vanilla extract? Oh, it smells so good! If you’re a fan of the flavor and/or scent of vanilla, I highly recommend you get your hands on some vanilla beans and see how much more intense your love can be. You may be surprised […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Kale Chips

There is a topic that keeps coming across my radar, both on Facebook, my email inbox, and even at the market when my fellow shoppers wonder what I’m doing with all of that kale (when my own crop has been harvested for the season, of course!): kale chips. And, today, we’re going to talk kale […]