Remember that NY’s resolution? (help is here!)

Dear Friends, How about it, did you make a few New Year’s resolutions this year? Was one of them to eat at home more often, save money or get healthier, thinner or more organized? What if I told you that having dinner at home will accomplish ALL of those things? Seriously! Dinner at home is […]
The secret to getting dinner done (I have this!)

Dear Friends, It’s time to get back to school and back to routine! That means dinner is going to need to be doubly quick–from making it to serving it–you’ve got carpool, sports practice, and dance lessons to get kids to, right? I’ve got you covered!! ENTER THE CROCK POT! Our Crock Cooker ebooks will keep […]
How to Make the BEST Thanksgiving EVER!

Dear Friends, It’s nearly Turkey Time for our Canadian friends and Americans are a mere few weeks away, too! And you know what that means, cooking, cooking and did I mention, more cooking? Even if you’re just bringing a dish or responsible for one item this year we can help you out. Our tried and […]
How to Pamper Yourself on a Budget and Avoid Burnout

Hello, It’s Leanne here with exciting news. But first, I want you to imagine something real quick. Imagine an alternate universe where you have the time and money to afford an entire week of relaxation and pampering with healthy food, restorative exercise, meditation, spa treatments and deep, long sleep…. Would you do it? (If you […]
Christmas in July

SURPRISE! LOL, I bet you think our clocks are little off, right? Not exactly. See we’re looking ahead and getting things together for the rest of the year–did you know in just 4 months time it’ll be Thanksgiving? EEK! That’s really not that long away! We’ve got so much great holiday stuff too, I wanted […]
Dinner 911

The fact is, we all have emergencies in our lives, whether it’s running out of milk when the cereal bowls are waiting or a full-blown, act of God type of emergency. On any given day, you can hear about a handful of emergency situations across the globe on the evening news. This is the reason […]
Kid Friendly Recipes: One Recipe – Two Ways

Dear Friends, In the hustle and bustle of daily life, the challenge of feeding a family can become downright disheartening–especially when your beloved children turn up their noses at your cooking. “It’s too spicy” they wail. “I don’t like it!” or “I want a grilled cheese instead.” You know how I feel about dumbing down […]