Little house on the…forage?

Now that I have everyone talking Paleo, I thought the timing would be just right to talk about all of the delicious foods you can find in the wild, or right in your own backyard! We have our ancestors to thank for figuring out that the leaves of the rhubarb plant are poisonous, but the […]

(Safety Issue) Meat Storage Tips

I thought it would be a great idea to talk about how long you should be keeping that expensive local, grass-fed, and organic meat and wild-caught fish you’ve been investing in. Y’all make me so proud! 🙂 First, let’s talk about poultry storage. Nothing has quite as off-putting a smell as chicken that’s past its […]

How much nutrition is really in your food?

You hear all the time that you should eat your fruits and vegetables. That they contain important minerals and vitamins essential for good health. So, you probably feel that you’re doing something good when you sit down to your daily salad and whatever other vegetables you can cram into yourself and/or your family members. And […]

Why honeybees are so important

I can’t remember the last time I bought a jar of honey. I’ve had no need to since I started raising my own backyard bees! My honeybees amaze me every single day and every July, they provide me with all of the honey I could possibly need for the year (and some nice gifts for […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Check out
this rad root – Horseradish!

Horseradish is the perfect condiment for dipping roast beef, a key element in a zippy seafood sauce and a secret ingredient for an extra spicy Bloody Mary but it’s so much more! This terribly ugly root vegetable is as rich in health benefits as it is pungent in flavor. Pressed against your forehead, the raw […]

Fermented Foods: A Primer!

I think our ancestors would be pretty surprised at how fermented foods seem to have all but disappeared from our dinner plates. Since ancient times, humans around the world have been fermenting their food before eating or drinking it. Wine was being made at least eight thousand years ago. Milk fermentation has been happening since […]

How NOT to Overcook Meat

You’ve decided what to make for dinner. You’ve shopped, chopped, cooked, cleaned, and placed a gorgeous meal on the table. You take your first bite and start chewing and chewing and chewing it’s tough, it’s dry, it’s overcooked. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! Cooking meat can be tricky. You want to cook it long […]

Eat your way to intimacy

As far as I’m concerned, one of the most important things you must do when embarking on a journey towards better health (which we all should be doing!) is to get into the mindset of eating to live, not living to eat. There’s a big difference. I believe that food is medicine, and you can […]

Healthy Meals for Picky Eaters

If you’re trying your best to lose weight and/or improve your health, it can be challenging to stick with it (to say the least) if your family isn’t on board with the changes. When you’re struggling to make the right food choices, negative feedback from the dinner table every night can push you back to […]