Rebounding – Bounce Into Health
Rebounding! It’s not just for basketball players. Let’s just begin by stating that if you do not already have a rebounder, you should get one ASAP. After looking at all the health benefits gained by bouncing up and down on a mini-trampoline it is hard to imagine a better all-around exercise that is easy, fun, […]
Optimal Health!
I’ve been on vacation—on a little lake in eastern Canada, far away from civilization. It’s quiet. Except for the birds in the trees and the haunting melodies of loons calling to one another on the lake. For the most part, I’ve stayed off the grid. Instead of working, I sit on the beach with the […]
How to get your appetite under control
We’ve all been there. Our plan is printed out, the food shopped for, the preparation is done—we’re ready. We are excited—this time, we’re really going to do it! Then out of nowhere, suddenly this urgent, silent craving hits you upside the head and makes all your good intentions fly out the window with record speed. […]
An old-fashioned weight loss tip with real results…
can you guess it?
To date, I’ve dished about barre classes, my diet, getting plenty of rest, and keeping tabs on my thyroid, and how this has all made a big difference in my weight. And today, I’m going to talk about a classic weight loss secret that seems to be totally ignored by so many. Probably because it’s […]
Thyroid: it’s the key to weight loss
The 2 biggest questions I get asked is, 1) how did you lose all that weight, and 2) how did you drop it so quickly? I hear it all the time–from friends, family, and our Saving Dinner community. I’ve shared some things I’ve learned along the way that have made a huge difference—changing my diet, […]
Slow down in order to slim down
When I get asked what the secret to my slimming down was, mostly it is people who want to know about what I’m eating. That of course is a huge, integral part of it, but it’s not the only thing. Delving full steam ahead into a very strict paleo eating plan certainly moved the needle, […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Who knew? (wait till you see what’s in my salad!)
If you want to pretty up a plate of salad greens in a hurry, toss in a few edible flowers. One of the most common edible flowers is the nasturtium. Nasturtiums are both beautiful and delicious. At first bite, nasturtiums have a slightly sweet flavor, but as you chew, they become spicy and taste almost […]
Sugar Shock: Are You Addicted?
Dinner Diva Sugar Shock: Are You Addicted? By Leanne Ely, CNC Okay, so you don’t drink sodas, eat candies, cookies or anything remotely resembling a sugar drenched dessert. What if you found out you were eating a ton of sugar but didn’t even know it? Some of the most common foods you’d think would be […]
Best Post-Workout Foods
Dinner Diva Best Post-Workout Foods By Leanne Ely, CNC Whenever you workout there are only three things you really want to do after: drink gallons of water, shower, and eat a nice, big and filling meal. The water and shower are easy to come by, but deciding what to eat is always a dilemma because […]