Better than store bought: 7 simple sauces

There are very few bottled items in my refrigerator that I have not made myself. I enjoy making my own condiments because I can tell exactly where each ingredient came from! I also like to make condiments that use up the bounty of my garden. Currently, that would be tomatoes! The following are seven common […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: The 3 Best Shrimp to Buy (and Which to Avoid)

Everyone loves shrimp. It’s easy to prepare, it’s versatile and it’s delicious. Shrimp is the most eaten seafood in the United States. Probably because it’s found in virtually every type of cuisine imaginable, from Asian stir-fries to Indian curries. But shrimp is one of those controversial foods that should only be eaten if it’s of […]

Is your tea making you sick?

You’ve been paying close attention to the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists to help you make the best food choices that you possibly can for you and your family. You try to make sure that the food you buy is as free of chemicals as it can possibly be. But, how much thought have […]

7 Reasons You Should Be Using Coconut Oil

I’m never without a great big jar of coconut oil. I use this magical, versatile, and healthful substance in everything from baked goods and stir-fries to smoothies and coffee. (But I admit that I also use coconut oil to soften my hair, remove my eye makeup, and I add it to my bath too!) So, […]

Pear with Me!

Apples aren’t the only fruits ripening on the trees right now. It’s a great time of year for pears! If the best of pear season has ended where you live, there should still be plenty of fresh pears around, so poke around the farmers’ market next time you’re there. Or even better, call your nearest […]

Do You Workout? Here’s How to Eat…

If you’re exercising hard for more than 90 minutes, especially at a high-intensity level, you really have to be sure that you’re eating to support your performance and recovery. You have to be serious about ensuring that the right nutrients are going to the right places and that your body doesn’t get sad and confused. […]

Mindless Meals (when you’re too tired for anything!)

The kiddies are all back to school, and after a summer where the routine was willy-nilly at best, here you are facing the rush of homework, piano lessons, laundry and everything else that goes along with the onset of the new school year. It’s going to happen plenty of times where you’ll be faced with […]