Bottoms Up For Breakfast

Taking care of ourselves is how we manage our health; there’s no other way around it. It may be a simple concept, but it’s overlooked every single day in favor of taking care of everyone and everything else. Just like breakfast. We skip breakfast thinking we don’t need it. We aren’t hungry—we just want our […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: It’s always time for winter squash!

Today’s focus is on: WINTER SQUASH There are two kinds of squash: winter squash and summer squash. The difference is that the winter varieties are normally better suited to survive the winter in storage (think hardy squashes like butternut squash and acorn squash), while summer squash tends to have edible seeds and peels, and a […]
Healthy Fall Comfort Foods

It doesn’t take long for those familiar comfort food cravings to set in with the onset of fall, does it? There are days that I would do just about anything for a big scoop of macaroni and cheese! But as much as I love mac and cheese, I just don’t eat that way anymore. Lucky […]
Dinner Diva: School Night Supper Shortcuts

During the summer, meals tend to be a lot more relaxed than they are during the school year. That just tends to be the nature of the beast. With autumn comes routine, as those school days tend to add a lot of activities to the family calendar. Not only do you have to do all […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: 3 Super Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Oh, it’s autumn! And you know what that means, don’t you? A plethora of pumpkin seeds! I mean, who doesn’t equate fall with pumpkins? I love me some pumpkin puree and I love me some pumpkin seeds. Even though these little nuggets of wonderful are available year-round, they’re best enjoyed when pumpkins are in season. […]
Frugal Meals: Dinner on a Dime

Are you looking to stretch those grocery dollars? Let me show you how to spice up and season that lowly beans and rice dish so you can enjoy several different ethnic (styled) dishes. And FYI, these are representations of this type of cooking, not the actual authentic versions, so don’t be hatin’! First off, cook […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Looks like a brain to me

Also known as Cabbage Flower, cauliflower is a member of the Brassica family of veggies, well-known for their cancer fighting capabilities. Mon petit chou means (in French, chou is pronounced “shoe”) “my little cauliflower” and is a term of endearment! How do you like that? Here’s today’s TRICK: Take the stem off your cauliflower and […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: For a sweet juicy snack pick cherries!

I just love the sweet, tart flavor of a juicy ripe cherry. But really, who doesn’t? Cherries are not only delicious, these delicate little fruits are also very healthy. If you suffer from gout pain, you probably already know that cherries can help prevent flareups but there’s much more to cherries than that. Cherries are […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Why I love coconut milk
(it’s probably not what you think!)

There are a lot of producers of coconut milk making it easy to pick up this delicious drink at the grocery store. Easy to swap dairy milk for coconut milk, it’s always in my blender in the mornings, making my breakfast in a glass smoothie! Coconut milk is rich in MCT (medium chain triglycerides) which […]