Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Acorn Squash

Acorn Squash, some whole, some cut, laying on a wooden surface with a cloth and a spoon for scooping seeds

Acorn squash is a winter squash that gets its name from its acorn-like shape. The skin is usually green and the flesh is an appealing shade of orange that looks similar to pumpkin. The flavor of acorn squash is sweet and somewhat buttery. Many acorn squash cooking methods enhance these qualities by adding sugar and […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Shallot Secrets (shhh)

Shallots are in season right now across the US, so today we’re going to give you a trick, a tip, and a fabulous recipe to use with this wee root vegetable. Time to fess up y’all! Have you ever encountered a shallot in an ingredient list and tossed in an onion instead? You might think […]

Freshly Juiced Jalapeño Bloody Mary

My garden went bonkers last year, especially in the tomato department. I’ve made salsas, sauces, sliced them, diced them, and cooked with them every which way you could possibly think of. But the one thing I didn’t do with them was juice them. Until the idea of the ultimate Bloody Mary came to me…fresh tomato […]

Dinner Diva: 5 Simple Suppers for Sweltering Days

Sometimes it’s just too darn hot to be in front of the stove-am I wrong? On those hot summer nights when you can’t stand the thought of turning on the oven or standing in front of a hot grill, it’s important to have a good arsenal of simple supper recipes so that you don’t resort […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Basil

Basil in a white pot on a white wooden surface

Fresh basil is one of the headiest, aromatic herbs and the smell of it makes me think of summer. Love dried basil in soups and stews, love fresh basil in salads, pesto (of course), pasta, bruschetta, and anything else I can think of. This is one of my most favorite fresh herbs! But it isn’t […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Ravishing Radishes

Not many people think of radishes as something more than a salad garnish – you know, pretty, but not something you necessarily want to eat. But radishes are actually great for snacks and including in meals! They’re spicy and sweet, rich in potassium, ascorbic and folic acid, vitamin B6, and calcium. A whole cup is […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Squash Blossoms

Squash Blossoms on a wooden tray laying on a dark teal wooden table

I enjoyed a bumper crop of zucchini this year from my garden, but I’m definitely over the beautiful orange squash blossoms for this season, sadly. Today, we’re going to give you a trick, a tip, and a great recipe to use with squash blossoms (and you can use any blossom, from any squash, even pumpkin!) […]