Four Free-Range Holiday Decorations

Today we’re not talking about food. Don’t worry— as we approach the holidays, there’s going to be plenty of food talk. But, there’s more to the holidays than food . . . like the decorations! And I don’t know about you, but factory-made plastic doesn’t really say Christmas to me. Now, we all have our […]

14 Healthy Options for Christmas Parties and Potluck!

Cookies, cocktails, cheese and hors d’oeuvres. There’s temptation at every turn during the holidays, but even though it’s tough to stay on track, it’s certainly not impossible. As far as I’m concerned, the toughest part of the holidays when you’re trying to stay healthy and trim is all those potlucks and Christmas parties. I find […]

With Heartfelt Thanksgiving

Dear Friends, For the past 11 years, our mission has been to get families back to the dinner table one meal at a time. We are pleased to report that thousands of families have taken on our mission as their own and brought their dinner tables back from the bookbags and junk mail and into […]

Thanksgiving Memories

Thanksgiving is one holiday where you cannot let your perfectionism run your life. Norman Rockwell paintings are paintings—not snapshots of real life. It’s an idealistic picture of what we all wish and pine for; not the real McCoy. Remember that if you run out of gravy, burn the rolls, or the turkey isn’t done and […]

Thanksgiving Triage

Got a problem that needs fixing? Here you will find some quick fixes, patches and helps to pull your dinner back from disaster. Gravy too thin? Got lumpy gravy? Turkey taking too long to cook? Stuffing too dry? Cranberries too runny? I have some quick rescues and resuscitations right here. Dry Stuffing? Melt some butter and add half […]

Healthy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love

Healthy Foods Healthy Halloween Treats Kids Will Love by Leanne Ely, CNC Trick or treat? Candy may be the norm when the kids come to your door on Halloween, but it’s definitely a trick. Candy’s trick will demote your health and your energy and keep you wanting more and more. It’s the sugar, it’s addicting […]

Vacation Eating – Don’t Send Your Healthy Habits Packing

Healthy Foods Vacation Eating – Don’t Send Your Healthy Habits Packing by Leanne Ely, CNC   Summer is quickly rounding around the corner–the kids will be out of school, sunglasses permanently attached to our faces, lots of sunscreen, and most likely a vacation! Vacation has to be one of our favorite words. A break from […]

5 Tips for Stress-Free Catering

Dinner Diva 5 Tips on Stress-Free Catering by Leanne Ely, CNC   A few weeks back, I threw a bash for my husband’s birthday and had nearly 50 people in our house. The food was enjoyable, fun and beautifully presented. I had people falling over themselves thinking I had cooked it all from scratch–well hardly! […]

HF – From Cheating to Planning Treats

Healthy Foods From Cheating to Planning Treats by Leanne Ely C.N.C. It’s the holidays and the temptations for goodies is never as great as it is right now. Cakes, cookies, pies, fudge, candy, drinks, sweet breads and so much more are easy to find around any corner. But it’s not just the holidays when we […]