Hot Melt Pumpkin Pie

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Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Pump in the nutrients by eating pumpkin!

Assorted pumpkins in crates at an outdoor market

It’s that time of year again! Pumpkins are popping up all over the place. You can hardly walk into a store of any kind without seeing one of these great orange orbs either used in the shop’s decor or being sold in some capacity. If you don’t go any farther in your consumption of pumpkins […]

It’s Almost Time

Thankgiving turkey and sides on platters on a white table

We are closing in on Thanksgiving in and everyone knows what that means… food! And I do mean FOOD– glorious, wonderful, delicious food! The very best kind, too… celebratory, Thanksgiving-y, delectably aromatically intoxicating. I know; way too many adverbs and such, but I get positively giddy and worked up when it comes to Thanksgiving. This […]

Paleo and Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte “PSL” Recipe

Fall is in full swing and we’re not above loving that infamous “basic” beverage that explodes EVERYWHERE this time of year: the sweet and spiced PSL (aka: Pumpkin Spice Latte). Since the Starbuck’s version, that must be credited for bringing this drink such fame, is sooo full of sugar and other mysterious-not-good-for-your-poor-body ingredients we decided […]

Coconut Pumpkin Curry Soup

Pumpkins for everyone!!! That’s how I feel when I walk into a store and I eyeball a gorgeous array of pumpkins of every persuasion! I want to open my arms like Maria in The Sound of Music and twirl in the middle of the store–yes, pumpkins are my fall spirit animal (gourd?). Decorating for fall […]

What symbol of fall may help you beat the blues?

Pumpkins are all over the place right now. Readily available across most of North America, pumpkins have become a symbol of autumn and have a starring role in desserts, soups and loaves this time of year. But these gorgeous orange orbs are much more than just a pretty face. Pumpkins, like carrots and sweet potatoes, […]

Paleo Tahini Pumpkin Pie and Maple Cardamom Coconut Whipped Cream

You can’t have the holidays without pumpkin EVERYTHING!! But for those of us trying to stay away from dairy, gluten, and refined sugar – the holidays can feel like the 7th circle of hell – running into temptation at every corner! So after some recipe testing, we finally found a delicious holiday classic that’s actually […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Eat your fall display!

It is definitely pumpkin season! We know all about those classic orange pumpkins, but what about the pretty blue pumpkins? Queensland Blue is a gorgeous pumpkin with a light blue, silvery skin. It’s a variety that hails from Australia and was introduced to the United States back in 1932. The Queensland Blue looks quite similar […]