A Thanksgiving Letter from Me to You

Dear sweet friends, Today is Thanksgiving–my most favorite holiday of them all. I love Thanksgiving. I love having family and friends in my home, I love the smells the cooking generates, I love the laughter that the mixture of people produces and I love the sweet satisfaction of feeding the folks I love the most […]

Mix & Mash these Potatoes

Once upon a time, the only potato option on the Thanksgiving Dinner table was your standard white mashed potatoes. But today, we know that white potatoes aren’t the be all and end all in a starchy mash. There are several options in potatoes (and non-potatoes) for us to explore, so let’s take a look! Traditional […]

5 Quick Smoothie Ideas

To say this is a busy time of year would be an understatement. Soon there will be all that shopping and the wrapping, the school concerts and the holiday parties, there’s bound to be an evening or two that, despite your best efforts, it’s just too difficult to put a balanced meal on the table. […]

7 Fun and Fast Gluten-Free Breakfasts

Over and over again, I hear people say, “But what will I eat for breakfast if I’m going gluten-free?” OR “Gluten-free fill-in-the-blank is so expensive!” My answer to both of these questions is, “Hold on, just wait a minute!” There are answers for you that won’t break the bank or cause you to hyperventilate, LOL […]

Busy? 12 quick and healthy breakfast ideas

Back-to-school time is upon us, and with it, comes crazy mornings of lunch packing and breakfast making, and other general chaos. It’s important to get a good healthy meal into everyone’s bellies in the morning, so how do you do that without simply opening up a box of sugary cereal or putting down a couple […]

Better than store bought: 7 simple sauces

There are very few bottled items in my refrigerator that I have not made myself. I enjoy making my own condiments because I can tell exactly where each ingredient came from! I also like to make condiments that use up the bounty of my garden. Currently, that would be tomatoes! The following are seven common […]

7 Reasons You Should Be Using Coconut Oil

I’m never without a great big jar of coconut oil. I use this magical, versatile, and healthful substance in everything from baked goods and stir-fries to smoothies and coffee. (But I admit that I also use coconut oil to soften my hair, remove my eye makeup, and I add it to my bath too!) So, […]

Mindless Meals (when you’re too tired for anything!)

The kiddies are all back to school, and after a summer where the routine was willy-nilly at best, here you are facing the rush of homework, piano lessons, laundry and everything else that goes along with the onset of the new school year. It’s going to happen plenty of times where you’ll be faced with […]

School House Crock

Lately, everyone is talking about the “s word” … You know, school! Whether your kiddos are going traditional, online, or homeschooling, you need to get a nutritious meal on the table for those upcoming school nights. I’ve often talked about how our freezer meals can help you do just that! But if you can’t see […]