Tip, Trick & a Recipe: A Little Lentil Legacy

I am a huge fan of lentils and wanted to give you some background on why you want to include them in your diet. Lentils are one of the oldest cultivated crops in the world. In the Bible, Jacob tricked Esau into giving up his birthright over a bowl of lentils! Yeah, they’re that good! […]
Mitochondria Miracle Soup

Mighty Mitochondria Soup is chocked full of veggies–and so is our Just Juiced Veggies! With 7-9 servings of fruit and veggies in every scoop, your nutrient bases are covered.
Traditional Chicken Bone Broth

The Secret of Soup

One of my favorite winter foods is soup; especially healthy homemade soup. Nothing quite compares to a big bowl of steaming soup to warm you up, feed you when you’re not feeling well, or simply act as comfort food. Soup is good food like the commercial says. The only problem with canned soups is they […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Escarole

Escarole is a form of endive, which is typically cooked or consumed raw with lettuce and salads. It is also known as broad or common chicory. It is one of the less bitter varieties of endives and can add a unique taste to salads. The vegetable is typically categorized by its leaves, which are wider […]
Roast Turkey Carcass Soup

Hands up if you plan to have a turkey in the oven at some point over the next couple of days. I know you’re probably not thinking about what to do with that leftover turkey yet, but I want to catch you before you toss out that beautiful turkey carcass in the trash. Instead of […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Pump in the nutrients by eating pumpkin!

It’s that time of year again! Pumpkins are popping up all over the place. You can hardly walk into a store of any kind without seeing one of these great orange orbs either used in the shop’s decor or being sold in some capacity. If you don’t go any farther in your consumption of pumpkins […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Why you should try dino kale

Chicken SoupThere are so many amazing health benefits you gain from eating dino kale. One cup of this wonderful Italian variety of kale gives you a walloping nutritional punch, providing 100% of your daily recommended amount of Vitamins K and A along with 88% of the Vitamin C you need in the run of a […]
Coconut Pumpkin Curry Soup

Pumpkins for everyone!!! That’s how I feel when I walk into a store and I eyeball a gorgeous array of pumpkins of every persuasion! I want to open my arms like Maria in The Sound of Music and twirl in the middle of the store–yes, pumpkins are my fall spirit animal (gourd?). Decorating for fall […]