Tip, Trick & a Recipe: High Fives for Fresh Chives

Chives belong to the allium family, making them close relatives to scallions, onions, leeks, and garlic. Chives have a mild oniony flavor with a slight hint of garlic, and a little goes a very long way. There are some great nutritional benefits to chives. They have antioxidant properties, can aid in digestion and they contain […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Check out
this rad root – Horseradish!

Horseradish is the perfect condiment for dipping roast beef, a key element in a zippy seafood sauce and a secret ingredient for an extra spicy Bloody Mary but it’s so much more! This terribly ugly root vegetable is as rich in health benefits as it is pungent in flavor. Pressed against your forehead, the raw […]

Marinated Sage Steak Salad

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How to Make Compound Butter

In today’s video, we are making compound butter! Compound butter is easy to make and delicious on everything from steak to chicken to veggies. You can really do whatever you like with it, but compound butter is just really wonderful and adds a lot of flavor. What you’ll need to make compound butter: Rosemary Thyme […]